Blog Archive - Heason Events

Blog Archive

P5100113 13th Jun 2018 No Regrets

Last Saturday I'd hatched a plan to head out and camp somewhere with Dylan.  His brother was on a sleepover and my wife had a friend visiting. The forecast was good. As often happens, the day...

Isatis Sustainability 15th May 2018 Who Gives A Crap?

My boys have now travelled to Europe enough times to know not to venture into caves or under boulders without checking first for toilet paper. They are 9 and 11 and are completely grossed out...

Running Club 1 16th Apr 2018 Running A Running Club

A few years back I used to take my oldest (then 8) and a couple of his friends to a local running club. The Hope Valley Hurricanes meet on a Thursday night in Hope throughout the year and in all...

hvaff logo 10th Apr 2018 Hope Valley Adventure Film Festival.

HVAFF was established back in 2010 and it is easy to see how it has become a favourite fixture in the calendars of many families and outdoor enthusiasts.  In the words of the founders HVAFF set...

Cliffhanger big marquee 2011 16th Jan 2018 A Sad Goodbye

Here's an email I just sent to all my Cliffhanger contacts. Thought I would share on here for those who are interested. It is with regret that I am emailing you to inform you that Heason Events...

P8290502 1st Jan 2017 Does A Bear *** In The Woods

Summer in the high Sierras in recent years has delivered virtually no rain, and the usual snowy winters have been less severe than usual resulting in less meltwater*. That's well and good for...

Snip20170920 4 20th Sep 2017 Glencoe Skyline

For those who don't want to read the whole thing: man does very long race. He completes race and is happy, but makes lots of mistakes along the way and is kicking himself a little. But...

Inspiration 3rd Aug 2017 Too Inspiring?

Every so often I watch a film which is so amazing, so 'out there', that it almost has the opposite effect to the majority that I watch. I'm talking adventure films, and I'm referring to the...

P9260813 27th Jul 2017 Hvar, Hvar Away - Croatia

Hvar, Hvar Away   If you've been climbing for more than ten years you'll probably remember the audacious trip reported in our media, led by the charismatic Mike Weeks, as he piloted...

IMG 3758 27th Jun 2017 A Dog's Life

Well it's an unashamedly cliché'd title, but it pretty much sums up the reason for this post. I grew up with dogs in the house. For many years we had two whoppers - a Newfoundland and a Briard...

P5310354 22nd Jun 2017 Type-2 Holidaying - Loch Hourn Sea Kayaking

I'm sitting here at my desk whilst rain literally lashes the window. It's Tuesday evening, nearly 72 hours since we arrived home from out half term holiday. I'm tired, my hands are sore with...

Snip20170615 4 15th Jun 2017 Mallorca 312

Here's my article on the Mallorca 312 Sportive which featured in Totally Active Magazine.

P5300223 15th Jun 2017 Life Of A Tent Update

I updated our Life Of A Tent Blog recently after a sea kayaking trip to Loch Hourn. 

P5060017-001 8th May 2017 Magic Roundabout

(see below for photos) I don't usually write up runs , but this one deserves a few words. Not sure whether it's the route that deserves the words, or me and Neil for having done it? Probably...

IMG 3469 27th Apr 2017 Witch's Cauldron - A Photo Essay

They say a picture tells a thousand words. It was just such a picture in a guidebook that led us to this place, a dramatic inland lagoon on the coast of mid Wales accessible only for those...

ArticleImageHandler.ashx 5th Apr 2017 Blog - I'll Be Renewing My Membership

Some time in May I'll be renewing my membership to the BMC. And here's why.   The BMC are having a rocky time of it. BMC, if you aren't aware, is not just a cycling team in the Tour De...

twu2016 web yellow 1180x160 9th Dec 2016 This Way Up - Heading In The Right Direction

I was lucky enough last week to attend a two day conference in Glasgow for the independent film industry. This Way Up is an annual event that tours from one city to another in the north of the...

ArticleImageHandler.ashx 27th Jul 2016 What's In A Name?

A an awful lot it would seem. I've been climbing for many years. I'm a member of, and have worked alongside, and even with for a short time, the British Mountaineering Council. The BMC.   ...

P1010168 24th Jul 2016 Wild Swimming Scaremongering

Last week I was saddened to read of an 11 year old boy who had died in Rotherham , tombstoning.   Tombstoning is a terrible name for what he was doing, invented by the media to discourage...

IMG 2550 25th Jul 2016 Sky's The Limit

The Tour De France finished yesterday. I watched it avidly for the whole three weeks, either via the hour-long summary programme each evening, or on a few days, watching things unfold live....

P8281141 20th Jul 2016 Some Maritime Marmots

The Maritime Alps are a fairly quiet corner of France nestled between their bigger siblings to the north, and the Mediterranean cost  to the south. Less known usually equates to less visited...

P8200368 13th Jul 2016 Swimming With Snakes

I've been meaning to write up some of our summer adventures  from 2016 for some time. Decide to do it as a series of separate pieces. Here's the first. Swimming with snakes.   I've still...

P5290140 11th Jul 2016 Scottish Sea Kayaking Trip Report

It’s often said that the west coast of Scotland, without midges, and in good weather, is as good as it gets. May half term does its best each year to prove this point. 2012 Arisaig - sunny and...

P5290140 29th Jun 2016 Life Of A Tent Blog - Update

I just updated my life Of A Tent Blog which charts the life of a pretty exceptional tent from Decathlon. Interestingly nobody else seems to be making a tent comparable to this one. You'll see from...

Arthur James Heason 11th May 2016 Two youths on a Cycling Tour in the Peak of Derbyshire

Two youths on a Cycling Tour in the Peak of Derbyshire May 1915 On a tolerably fine Saturday morning in May 1915 my friend Cyril Cope and I commenced a tour “on the wheel” of the...

Mallorca 312 5th May 2016 (Un)luckiest Day...

Last Saturday I had the privilege to ride my bike with some of my best mates in an amazing place. It didn't all go smoothly however. The place was Mallorca, the route was the 312 Sportive. 312km...

The Outdoor City 3rd Nov 2015 Sheffield - The Outdoor City - A Plan Of Action

For what feels like about 18 months now Sheffield City Council have been working towards re-branding Sheffield as The Outdoor City. It's been a really exciting time, and I've been very pleased to...

P9190010 22nd Sep 2015 A Very Sheffield #Microadventure

Alastair Humphreys coined the term Microadventures and has written a great book about them. Essentially a microadventure is something that you can do in a short amount of time, close to where you...

P8020016 6th Aug 2015 Amazing Kids?

I've just completed one of the best journeys of my life to date. 4 days of incredibly varied biking from Wales to the Peak District. The weather was kind, the scenery stunning, the roads and...

P6260082 6th Jul 2015 Life Of A Tent Night #22

Spent our 22nd night in our tent wild camping last weekend. Check out the Blog

Camaro Uto Pulsor 7th Jul 2015 Camaro Uto Pulsor Swim Run Wetsuit

It's an interesting moment when a development of equipment opens up an entire new sport. Of course there's nothing new about combining running and swimming - in fact on a trip to Denmark last...

Alpkit Torch 1 20th Apr 2015 Alpkit Factory Visit & Head Torch Product Testing

A month or so back I popped into the Alpkit offices and warehouse which is based just outside of Nottingham. Despite having a good working relationship with the guys who run Alpkit - they started...

Lif Of A Tent 15th Apr 2015 Life Of A Tent

Not exactly a Blog post in its own right, but a pointer to an entirely new Blog called Life Of A Tent that I created yesterday to follow the life of one of our tents, reviewed here last year.

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